• Strange Nonchaotic Stars

    On the second day of my University of Hawai’i sabbatical, I began to work with space telescope data that would invigorate the study of variable stars and justify my NASA T-shirts.

    While the brightness of stars like the sun is nearly constant, the brightness of other stars changes with time. Exploiting the unprecedented capabilities of the planet-hunting Kepler space telescope, which stared at 150 000 stars for four years, my colleagues and I discovered evidence that certain stars dim and brighten in complex patterns with fractal features. Such stars pulsate at primary and secondary frequencies whose ratios are near the famous golden mean, the most irrational number. A nonlinear system driven by an irrational ratio of frequencies is generically attracted toward a “strange” behavior that is geometrically fractal without displaying the “butterfly effect” of chaos. Strange nonchaotic attractors have been observed in laboratory experiments and may be useful in describing brain activity and climate, but a bluish white star 16 000 light years from Earth in the constellation Lyra may manifest, in the scale-free distribution of its frequency components, the first strange nonchaotic attractor observed in the wild. The recognition of stellar strange nonchaotic dynamics may improve the classification of these stars and refine the physical modeling of their interiors.

    We sampled the KIC 5520878 light curve at its primary period and decomposed the resulting time series into sine waves of different amplitudes and frequencies. The number of amplitudes varied with a negative power of the detection threshold. Specifically, if the threshold increased four-fold the number decreased eight-fold, for a wide range of thresholds. Similarly, in a famous example of spatial scaling, the length of the rugged, fractal Norwegian coast depends on the length of the measuring stick. In fact, the measured coast length decreases with increasing stick length, just like our frequency amplitudes: if the stick length increases four-fold, the measured coast length decreases eight-fold, for a wide range of stick lengths.

    Kepler spacecraft (left), experimental and theoretical attractors (center), Norway coast (right)
    Using stellar luminosity data from the Kepler spacecraft (left), we reconstructed a star’s dynamical attractor (left center), modeled it phenomenologically (right center), and found that the spectral scaling of the star’s secondary frequencies is similar to the spatial scaling of the coast of Norway (right).

    Fractal self-similarity can describe processes in time as well as patterns in space, and a music analogy elucidates our analysis of the variable starlight: From the stellar pulsation, we removed the backbeat to discover a subtle melody.

    My colleague John Learned and others had earlier proposed that sufficiently advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations may “tickle” variable stars with neutrino beams to jog their otherwise very regular expansions and contractions and thereby transmit information throughout the galaxy and beyond. A team including many of us tested this hypothesis on the Kepler’s space telescope’s unprecedented photometric data for star KIC 5520878. Although we found some oddities in the KIC 5520878 light curve, we ultimately concluded that they are likely of natural origin. Nevertheless, we encourage testing of archival and future time series photometry for evidence of artificially modulated variable stars. Bill Ditto subsequently recognized the possibility of strange nonchaotic behavior in KIC 5520878 based on his 1990 experience obtaining the first laboratory observation of such behavior in a magnetoelastic ribbon experiment. We subsequently applied the diagnostic analysis used on the ribbon to the star.

    We are currently creating phenomenological models of strange nonchaotic stars and are attempting to expand our results to multi-frequency variable stars outside the Kepler database. Can we connect their frequency ratios to the golden ratio or to the distribution of other hard-to-approximate irrational frequency ratios? Some natural dynamical patterns result from universal features that are common to even simple models. However, other patterns are peculiar to particular physical details. We don’t yet know if the frequency distribution of all variable stars is universal or particular. We are currently organizing an international conference for August to explore these issues.

  • Wooster Physics in Hawai’i!

    Aloha! Thanks to Wooster’s generous sabbatical program, I’m spending the 2014-2015 academic year at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa on the island of O’ahu in Honolulu, and I’m learning my Hawaiian accents.

    View south from my apartment. While the volcanic Hawaiian islands are couple of millions of years old, Lily Crater or Diamond Head is only a couple of hundred thousand years old.
    View south from my apartment. While the O’ahu island is a couple of million years old, the volcanic cone of Diamond Head is only a couple of hundred thousand years old.

    I live in a very small studio apartment with spectacular views of the ocean, Diamond Head or Lē’ahi (which I call Lily Crater), and the skyscrapers of Waikīkī. During the winter, I was able to watch the sunset over the ocean while eating dinner in my kitchen, and I saw at least a half dozen green flash sunsets. (Previously, I had a seen only a single green flash, and that was on a small boat sailing among the Galápagos Islands.) Double rainbows are common as are brief sun showers called “pineapple sprinkles”. Fahrenheit temperatures range from 70s to 80s in the summer and 60s to 70s during the winter, so I eat lunch outside almost every day. But because my apartment is unheated and uninsulated with jalousie (or louvre) windows, I slept under an electric blanket in winter. I did go swimming at Kailua beach on Christmas Day, where people were making snowmen from sand (aka sandmen) with twigs for arms! Birds are both noisy and showy, and sometimes I find cute geckos using van der Waals force to climb my bedroom walls.

    I occupy an ample office on the fourth floor of the Watanabe physics building next to members of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer collaboration whose unique experiment is on board the International Space Station. Former Wooster physics major Kirsten Larson ’08, who is completing her Ph.D. in astronomy here, holds office hours down the hallway. I’m working with former Wooster physics professor Bill Ditto and many new friends. I’m enjoying the physics colloquium series, which I am reminded of each Thursday by a person walking the hallway ringing a cow bell and yelling Bring out your dead! “Colloquium!”.

    I do however miss Wooster, and I especially miss the unforgettable group of wonderful physics seniors that graduate in just few weeks! So has my Hawai’i adventure been worth it? I’ll tell you about some of my research in subsequent posts.

  • Wooster Physics in San Antonio!

    Welcome! Our goal is to use this site to share more information about what is going on in the department! Our annual attendance at the APS March Meeting seemed like a great place to start.
    Four students and I all traveled to San Antonio March 2 to 5 for the biggest gathering of physicists in the world. Each of the students did summer research in the department last year and presented the results at the meeting.

    We flew to San Antonio through Detroit, so we got to see one of my favorite pieces of public art — the fountain in the main terminal. I almost would fly through Detroit just to see it.  The streams of water can switch on and off quickly, so it looks like this parabola of water is drawing itself up backwards.  I’ve watched so many people be entranced by it.

    Enjoying the physics fountain at the Detroit Airport
    Enjoying the physics fountain at the Detroit Airport

    We had a full day at the conference on Tuesday before the student poster presentations on Wednesday.  We had a good number of people stop by the posters, including a Wooster geology alumnus!

    Outside the convention center, along the River Walk
    Outside the convention center, along the River Walk
    Ziyi and Michael in action during the poster session
    Ziyi and Michael in action during the poster session

    The students had to head for home right after the poster session, but I stayed on another day to give my talk on Thursday morning.  It’s just too bad that we didn’t have time to have fun at the APS Photo Booth with flat Tesla and flat Meitner.

    At the APS photo booth
    FYI Nathan’s tie is not real.  Neither is Ziyi’s mustache.

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