Category: Outreach

  • Stegosaurus Tiling

    John Chase, the head of the Walter Johnson High School Math Department, in Maryland, near Washington DC, liked my Stegosaurus variation of the Spectre monotile so much that he had his students paint it on the wall of their math office! Attached are a couple of photos he shared. Smith, Myers, Kaplan, and Goodman-Strauss recently discovered an infinite…

  • Spring Outreach Events

    Spring is a big time for outreach here at Wooster Physics. The Physics Club runs demonstrations for local elementary schools, doing often two outreach visits a week during the spring.  (In the fall, we are usually prepping for this flurry of events — sending letters to the schools and doing scheduling, and training new students…

  • Expanding Your Horizons – Guest Blog by Michelle Bae

    April is a busy month for STEM majors, starting off with Science Day (pics here!), and ending right before exams. The weekend of April 22 was busy as well, as the College hosted the Wooster community Expanding Your Horizons workshop for fifth and sixth grade girls, run entirely by local women in STEM, including many CoW faculty and students. The…

  • April Whirlwind – Part 1!

    Whew!  So much happened here in April, I’m just barely catching my breath now! We had two great outreach events early in April.  The second weekend of April was the Expanding Your Horizons event, with a variety of science workshops for 5th & 6th grade girls.  This is a massive event, coordinating presenters from all over the…

  • BWISER and summer outreach

    One of the Wooster summer traditions is the BWISER science camp for 7th and 8th grade girls.  The physics department has been responsible for an evening of demos for the campers since before I came to the College in 2003, and I’ve taken over responsibility for running our highly-choreographed rotation of nearly 100 girls through…

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