• RLC circuit resonance with an oscillating inductor (Jr IS Guest blog by Kyle McNickle)

    The purpose of my experiment was to analyze whether the behavior of an RLC (Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor) circuit is noticeably affected by replacing the inductor with an oscillating spring. Common inductors take the form of solenoids which are helical coils of wire that are wrapped around a core. This core can be made of different materials, but some of the more common are ferromagnetic materials like iron, cobalt, or nickel. The core can also just be air, which is similar to the model that the spring mimics.

    When a current starts to run through an inductor, the inductor resists the current. After a brief period of time, the inductor will no longer resist the current and the system is in equilibrium. If the current changes, however, the system will no longer be in equilibrium and the inductor will once again try to resist the change. In order for the inductor to resist the change, there must be some sort of force that it applies to the current. It turns out that this force is exerted through the use of a magnetic field acting on the current. Therefore, we say that if the current changes, it induces a magnetic field that resists the change in the current. This is a reciprocal relationship, too. If instead, the magnetic flux (the amount of magnetic field flowing through the area of the inductor) changes, then a current will be induced that opposes the changing flux.

    By exploiting this trait of inductors, my hope was to see significant change in the output voltage of my circuit. For an RLC circuit, the output voltage is dependent on the frequency that is driving the circuit. For certain frequencies, the output voltage will be approximately zero, whereas for other frequencies, the output voltage will be immense. The curve on a graph of output voltage as a function of frequency is called the resonance curve and the maxima of this curve is referred to as the resonant frequency. The width of the curve as well as the location of the resonant frequency are dictated by the inductance in the circuit. The inductance of an inductor is dependent on some of its geometrical properties such as its length and radius. Therefore, with a spring, the geometry can be altered and inductance can be actively changed as the circuit is running.

    When I placed the spring in the circuit, I was able to observe the resonant frequency shifting to different values by stretching or compressing it. For one trial, a mass was suspended from the spring and the mass/spring system was made to oscillate. During the period of oscillation, the inductance of the spring was constantly changing which meant the inductor was continuously responding to changes in current and magnetic flux and resisting them accordingly. While observing the electrical, sinusoidal signal passing through the circuit on an oscilloscope, I could actually see the amplitude of the signal changing corresponding to movement of the spring. See attached video in order to watch this phenomenon.

  • This is not black magic. This is physics. This is laminar flow. (Jr IS guest blog by Emma Brinton)

    For my Junior Independent Study, I looked into some cool physics videos to find an interesting topic to explore. I found a youtube video about the University of New Mexico Couette cell apparatus for demonstrating laminar flow and decided that watching fluid blend together and then separate out again was an interesting concept. The project I designed was to bring this apparatus to the College of Wooster and then experiment with it. I looked into how accurately a line of color could be returned to its original location after being rotated at various angular velocities and if the transition was more accurate at varying depths below the surface of the fluid.



  • Walker’s Walker: Building a Passive Robot for Active Learning (Jr IS guest blog by Justine Walker)

    Walking – we all do it. But why do we walk so often? Why doesn’t everyone skip down the block to work?

    Aside from that being deemed as weird by society, walking is the most efficient way for people to move on earth due the gravity here. We’ve all experienced this in some way. You probably know that it’s much easier to walk long distances, than to run them. In my Clare Boothe Luce work this year, I confirmed that walking is amazingly efficient by simulating a passive walker that is able to walk down a hill simply through the force of gravity.

    My Junior IS study “Building a Passive Robot for Active Learning,” aimed to take this simulation research and create a real passive walking robot (a robot without a motor) out of plastic Tinkertoys. I used a previous study done by a group at Cornell to base my walker design off of and to use as a comparison. When they built their robot in the 1990s, wooden Tinkertoys were mass-produced, but now plastic Tinkertoys are the only financially possible option. I found that the walkers behaved slightly differently due to sensitivity to initial conditions and parameters for passive walkers. Though this difference exists, I proved that it is still possible to create this simple passive walking robot.

    The hope is that this walker could be used as an outreach tool at Science Days at the College of Wooster in order to introduce kids to engineering and to make mechanics a more approachable topic to them. This project is a fun way to spark children’s imaginations and learn more about how fascinatingly efficient human movement can be.



  • Student blog reports from their Junior Independent Study self-designed projects

    This spring, each Wooster Junior physics major undertook a six-week scientific investigation of their own design, as a part of our junior independent study course. Watching their projects come to fruition over the course of the semester was a very rewarding experience for me, and I am happy to announce that each junior prepared a blog post on their project. These will be posted shortly as a series of guest blogs, so please stay tuned!

  • The Burj

    The tallest structure in the world since 2008, Burj Khalifa (or Khalifa Tower) is the fantasy skyscraper of my childhood. Designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), with Adrian Smith and Bill Baker as chief architect and engineer, the Burj is aesthetically and structurally magnificent. No single photo can do the Burj justice, but the one below emphasizes the Y-shaped floor geometry that buttresses the central core and the complex spiral pattern of 27 setbacks that decrease the cross section. Crucially, the terraces “confuse the wind” to minimize vortex shedding vibrations, the bane of skyscraper designers.

    Over a half-mile high, Burj Khalifa is the world's tallest building. Photo by Stéphane Compoint.
    Over a half-mile high, Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building. Photo by Stéphane Compoint.
  • Picnic and Pie Fest 2017!

    Giant bowl of veggies, waiting to be grilled

    Last weekend we had another excellent picnic and pie festival at my house. This event has been a tradition since my first summer in our REU program back in 2004. We have outdoor games, eat grilled veggie quesadillas and a variety of sides, and then we have the celebration of pie!

    This year’s pie festival happened to fall on the 22nd of July, or 22/7 if you write the date in a European date/month format, or “European pi day” as Dr. Lindner likes to call it.  Pi is of course an irrational number and thus cannot be represented by a fraction like 22/7, but it turns out that 22/7 is a reasonably good approximation of pi and has been widely used to simplify calculations, and so holding the pie festival on pi day is particularly sweet.


    Fast-paced, no-net badminton! The birdie (bright blue) can be seen in the upper left of the photo.
    KanJam action shot
    Frisbee in flight!

    This year, we had a great assortment of pies, including pecan pie, strawberry-brownie pie, raspberry blueberry tart, chocolate peanut butter pie, pineapple pistachio pie, peach cream pie, sour cherry pie, and shoo-fly pie!  I always make several pies (three this year), but the students contribute the rest!

    Whew!  I think we did have one noble soul attempt to take a slice of all the pies, but I believe he later regretted it. Of the pies that I had the room to try, the pineapple pistachio was my favorite because I hadn’t had a pie like it before, but they were all good!

    A delicious assortment of pies!
  • Wooster Physics returns to Okinawa, Japan!

    Greetings Everyone!

    Last month, I accompanied recent graduate Michael Wolff ’17 to Okinawa, Japan, where Michael presented his senior independent study work as part of an international workshop-style conference for specialists in the field of optical nanofibers.

    Optical nanofibers are essentially very thin cylindrical glass tubes– so thin, in fact, that their diameters are comparable in size to the wavelength of the light designed to propagate though them!  Glass cylinders can “trap” light inside them due to the phenomenon of total internal reflection. However, the photons that make up light are relativistic particles, and are therefore difficult to localize, so that when the fiber becomes comparable in size to the wavelength of the light, the light “fights back” by leaking out of the fiber in the form of an evanescent field. The net effect is that the light is still guided by the fiber while much or its energy exists outside the cylindrical confines of the glass, like an abacus bead sliding along an abacus.  The complex vector field structures of light guided by optical nanofibers, coupled with the relatively high light intensity just outside the fiber surface, make optical nanofibers a very interesting platform for experimentally probing various aspects of light matter interaction.  An example of this is an optical “tractor beam”, in which micron-scale transparent objects near the nanofiber surface may be pushed, pulled, rotated, and otherwise spatially manipulated by the energy, momentum, and angular momentum present in the nanofiber light field.  In his senior thesis work, Michael theoretically explored the forces on a submicron-sized glass beads due to realistic nanofiber fields which are currently being used in experiments performed by the light-matter interactions group in at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology.

    Above is a photo of Michael discussing his work with Professor Fam Le Kien, an expert on optical nanofibers who was first author on the Physical Review A paper that inspired Michael’s thesis work.  It was a great moment for me to catch them speaking together!



  • Commencement 2017

    Congratulations to the class of 2017! We caught up with a number of our senior physics majors for a group picture in the “organized chaos” following the commencement ceremony. Best wishes to all our graduates in your future endeavours, and be sure to keep in touch!

  • Posters on the Hill 2017

    Robin Morillo presented his I.S. research at Posters on the Hill


    The Council on Undergraduate Research chose Robin’s poster

    A Hill on fire: Using matches, 3D printing, and code as a forest fire analog

    to represent Ohio at the 21st Annual Posters on the Hill on April 26, 2017 in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC.

    Robin is the first physics major to be selected by CUR and only the third student in Wooster’s history.

    We tried to contact Wooster’s Congressman Jim Renacci before going to DC to talk about the importance of undergraduate research but unfortunately, we never got a reply. So, we spend the morning enjoying the Mall.

    The poster session was busy and it was a great experience to see undergraduate from across the US and various research areas presenting their projects. Robin was one of three physics majors. The other two were from the University of South Dakota and the Lewis and Clark College in Oregon.

    The trip was generously supported by a gift from our 1977 physics graduate John Redfield.

  • Expanding Your Horizons – Guest Blog by Michelle Bae

    April is a busy month for STEM majors, starting off with Science Day (pics here!), and ending right before exams. The weekend of April 22 was busy as well, as the College hosted the Wooster community Expanding Your Horizons workshop for fifth and sixth grade girls, run entirely by local women in STEM, including many CoW faculty and students. The workshop is composed of various science and math themed activates, each designed to encourage young women to pursue STEM. This year there were more than 20 sessions that the girls could sign up for!


    All of the materials are provided in a plastic bag. The bag itself was used in many successful experiments!

    Busy planning and building

    Last year, I had volunteered for the Humpty Dumpty session, the physics focused session of Expanding Your Horizons. I enjoyed it so much I volunteered again! The goal of the session is to build a protective device for your egg using the limited amount of materials provided. Of course, rainbow markers are also available so you can draw a face on your egg and name it. Some names from this year include Terminator, Survivor, and Scramblable.

    Dr. Oliver getting ready to drop Hairy the Egg (yes, that’s Hairy, not Harry)
    Off it goes!

    After the teams are done building, the eggs inside their devices are brought up to the third floor of Taylor, and dropped to the ground, hopefully safe and sound. Last year was windy, and we had a new record of an egg flying up to the roof and never coming down. Though we did not have any runaway eggs this year, we did have a record number of surviving eggs.

    Waiting in suspense
    Dr. Oliver, ready to drop an innocent egg from a tremendous height
    Egg in flight
    And it’s safe!
    Fall of Fame for surviving eggs

    As a woman in STEM, I wish I had more opportunities like this growing up. The activities themselves are so exciting that I would happily participate even now. But more important, it provides a safe and creative space for young women to experiment science. Before coming to college, all of my science teachers were men, and I have had many, many experiences where I was the only woman in the room. Too many people have had similar experiences. So hopefully, we have encouraged more women to join us in STEM fields!

    Wooster March for Science Poster

    The end of the Expanding Your Horizons workshop marked the beginning of Wooster’s March for Science, where a diverse group of people, including former Wooster Physics Professor Dr. Garg, gave speeches and stood to raise awareness of the importance of science. As I said at the start, April is a busy month for STEM!

    Note from Dr. Lehman — For another perspective on Expanding Your Horizons and the Wooster March for Science, check out the prolific bloggers from Wooster’s Geology Department!  My favorite part is Dr. Wilson’s caption identifying “ace Wooster physicist and former dean Dr. Shila Garg.”  

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