Category: Adventure

  • A Physicist in Austria

    As mentioned in my previous post, I’ve just recently returned from a research trip to Vienna, Austria.  I was there for two and a half weeks, and fortunately, I had plenty of time to see some sights!  I first visited Vienna when I was in college and on a whirlwind tour of Europe (Marburg, Berlin,…

  • Hillary & Armstrong

    You’re probably familiar with the iconic photograph of Edmund Hillary standing atop Earth’s highest mountain wearing an oxygen mask in air so thin the sky is almost black as space — but apparently Hillary declined to be photographed and instead this photograph is by Hillary of his companion Tenzing Norgay during 1953’s first successful ascent of…

  • On the Shore of the Arctic Ocean

    It was a privilege to spend the 2014-2015 academic year and summer on sabbatical at the University of Hawai’i in Honolulu. During the last week of July, I stood on the spectacular beach at Kailua near sunset and said to myself “wow, wow, wow”. A week later, on my way home, I stood on the…

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