An academic in industry

Recently, with members of NCSU’s Nonlinear Artificial Intelligence Lab, I completed a 3.5-year project as a subcontractor working on an industrial project. As an academic, this was a novel experience. Unlike most of my research, this work will not result in a journal article or conference presentation, although it might one day contribute to an industrial product.

Because I signed a Non Disclosure Agreement, I cannot discuss the project details. I can say the work included developing an app in the Swift programming language for the iPhone operating system iOS.

Towards an engaging and intuitive Graphical User Interface, I created virtual 3D buttons that cast virtual shadows, depending on the iPhone‘s physical orientation, due to a virtual light source directly above the phone. When touched, the buttons appear to depress (and click or vibrate the phone, depending on the user’s preferences). The hole in the cog-wheel button really works — if you touch the hole, the button will not depress — because a virtual hole in a virtual cog wheel is real!

Animation of virtual 3D buttons casting virtual shadows as a real iPhone physically pitches and rolls. A virtual light source is always directly above the phone. (You may need to click to start the animation.)

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