The Longest Flight

As a kid pouring over the Guinness Book of World Records, I was astonished by the record longest flight, which lasted not just a few hours – as I would have guessed – but more than two months! Today, nearly 65 years later, that amazing achievement remains one of aviation’s most enduring records.

For over 64 days in 1958-1959 (!), Robert Timm and John Cook flew a modified Cessna 172 above and around Las Vegas. Modifications included an extra fuel tank, a mattress, a small steel sink, and a camping toilet. The duo took turns piloting, and they refueled and resupplied every 12 hours by flying low and slow above a speeding truck.

Robert Timm (right) and John Cook (left).
Robert Timm (right) and John Cook (left) flying their modified Cessna 172 near Las Vegas, Nevada, 1958-1959. (Howard W. Cannon Aviation Museum)

Twice a day Timm and Cook refueled and resupplied from a fast truck. (Howard W. Cannon Aviation Museum)

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