March Meeting 2018 – Days 2 to 4!
The March Meeting is always so exciting — there is so much information here! On Tuesday morning, I went to an outstanding session on Atomic Origami. There is some truly amazing work out there with people designing shapes of graphene (mostly) that fold up on their own into boxes or flowers. Post-doc Marc Miskin gave…
March Meeting 2018 – Day 1
I’m currently in Los Angeles for the American Physical Society March Meeting — the largest gathering of physicists in the world. This year there are almost 11,000 attendees, and more than 55 simultaneous sessions to choose from! There are physicists everywhere — hordes descending on the convention center at 8 am Monday to pick up…
CUWiP 2018
Well, we’re so busy doing things here at Wooster Physics that we haven’t kept up the blogging about all our exciting activities. Case in point — CUWiP 2018! For the last several years, the American Physical Society has been hosting Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP). These are regional conferences around the US designed…
Falcon Heavy
I was supervising Jr IS, but as I circulated around the lab, I watched the clock. Everyone was working quietly. Just before launch, I snuck back to my office and closed the door. The SpaceX Falcon Heavy was surrounded by swirling clouds of condensation at Kennedy Space Center‘s historic Pad 39A. Amidst spectactors’ cheers and…
Thanks, Mark! I enjoy reading your posts as well.