Commencement 2017
Congratulations to the class of 2017! We caught up with a number of our senior physics majors for a group picture in the “organized chaos” following the commencement ceremony. Best wishes to all our graduates in your future endeavours, and be sure to keep in touch!
Posters on the Hill 2017
Robin Morillo presented his I.S. research at Posters on the Hill The Council on Undergraduate Research chose Robin’s poster A Hill on fire: Using matches, 3D printing, and code as a forest fire analog to represent Ohio at the 21st Annual Posters on the Hill on April 26, 2017 in the Rayburn House Office…
Expanding Your Horizons – Guest Blog by Michelle Bae
April is a busy month for STEM majors, starting off with Science Day (pics here!), and ending right before exams. The weekend of April 22 was busy as well, as the College hosted the Wooster community Expanding Your Horizons workshop for fifth and sixth grade girls, run entirely by local women in STEM, including many CoW faculty and students. The…
More on Amsterdam!
As promised, I’m posting a bit more about my trip to Amsterdam and the Netherlands in general. I was able to work a little sight-seeing in during the working part of my visit. And, I was able to time my visit with my children’s spring break, so my family were able to come and join me…
Wooster Physics in Amsterdam, the Netherlands!
As regular blog readers know, I am currently on a research leave for the year. A good part of my leave has been spent in Wooster, but I believe it is important to spend a significant time outside of Wooster as well in order to get fresh ideas and perspectives to inform my research and…
Thanks, Mark! I enjoy reading your posts as well.