Sunshine and Water
As promised, I have one more post from my recent research trip to Vienna, Austria. First, a confession which will act as a bit of a spoiler, I had never heard of supernumerary rainbows until Dr. Leary joined the College and used a picture of one he had seen in Poland on his web page.…
A Physicist in Austria
As mentioned in my previous post, I’ve just recently returned from a research trip to Vienna, Austria. I was there for two and a half weeks, and fortunately, I had plenty of time to see some sights! I first visited Vienna when I was in college and on a whirlwind tour of Europe (Marburg, Berlin,…
Wooster Physics in Vienna, Austria!
After several years of being department chair, I am very much enjoying being on research leave this year. A research leave is an opportunity for Wooster faculty to take a semester or a year just to focus on our research, without any teaching, committee work, or other kinds of administrative work. It’s a time to meet…
Thanks, Mark! I enjoy reading your posts as well.