It was a beautiful weekend for Commencement this year. With the record number of majors (20 physics majors!!) graduating, we tried hard to get some group photos, but of course we knew it was hopeless to get absolutely everyone looking into a camera all at the same time.
Sunday of commencement weekend, we were able to gather almost half the class for a nice photo in front of Kauke Arch. It was a little chilly at that point!

Monday was also slightly chilly at the start of commencement, but (speaking from experience), slightly chilly is definitely better than too warm!
One of my favorite parts of commencement is when the students precess through the lines of faculty as they walk through Kauke Arch on their way to the ceremony. We faculty applaud the students as they walk through, and it’s a nice opportunity to congratulate individual students, if you spot them as they walk past.
The commencement ceremony was quite nice this year, with very good student speeches and a nice address from President Nugent. And, it really kept moving, which is always good!

Congratulations, Wooster Physics Graduates of 2016!
(And if you have better pics you want me to add here — please just send them!)
Thanks, Mark! I enjoy reading your posts as well.